Contact us

Antti Pääkkönen

CEO / Partner

Multiskilled professional in staffing and recruitment industry. I have hired thousands of employees for our clients for both fixed term and permanent jobs. I have a steady practical knowledge of executing large recruitment projects.

Helen Vesik

Head of Recruitment / Partner

I am a recruitment professional with over 10 years of experience in recruiting for different industries. Besides my strong professionalism I base my work on transparency and openness. Please feel free contact me if you need help with recruitment issues or are looking for a new job.

Ilkka Holappa

Business Manager / Partner

I have worked as an entrepreneur in the staff-oriented industries for over 15 years which gives me steady background and large networks of skilled employees. I have strong experience in construction, demolition and logistics as well as other industries. No matter what line of business you are in, I am here to help you and I do not give up until I find the best solution for you.

Elena Hlushchenko

HR-asiantuntija, ulkomainen työvoima

Juulia Pulkkinen


Olen rekrytoinnin ja henkilöstöhallinnon asiantuntija, joka on erikoistunut myös suorahakuihin ja soveltuvuusarviointeihin.

Minulle työntekijä - ja asiakastyytyväisyys ovat erittäin tärkeitä ja haluan palvella asiakkaitani aina suurella sydämellä!

Otathan siis rohkeasti yhteyttä, jos etsit uusia työmahdollisuuksia, tai uutta luotettavaa henkilöstökumppania rekrytointien ja henkilöstöasioiden hoitamiseen!

Lauri Lauhikari

Member of the Board

I have strong knowledge of projects in different industries. I have faced some staff-related challenges during my career, so I can relate to our clients’ problems. Together we can find the best solutions.

Markku Lehkonen

Chairman of the Board

Working with people, developing myself, growing and pushing forward new innovations are the things that are close to my heart. The most important thing for me is honesty, transparency being the best indicator of that. While working in the lifting industry, the idea of staffing-model that would help the customer was born. That was the beginning of Rentop – international staffing group that has specialized in lifting equipment personnel.

I will bring my experience in staffing business and wide international networks to Nordrec and to the use of our clients. Keep in touch!

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Our offices


Hallituskatu 13-17 E 46 90100 Oulu


Kauppakatu 3, 87100 Kajaani


Suokatu 31, 70110 Kuopio


Linnankatu 13a A 10, 20100 Turku